Aspiring to thought leader on LinkedIn?
Many professionals seek to elevate their online presence and influence. This guide will equip you with the strategies to establish yourself as a credible and authoritative voice within your industry.

Becoming a thought leader on LinkedIn isn’t about self-promotion or chasing clout; it’s about providing real value, sparking meaningful conversations, and building genuine relationships within your professional community. It’s about sharing your knowledge to make a difference in your field. So, how do I become a thought leader on LinkedIn, and more importantly, how do you make it work for you?

Book a free 15-minute Zoom Call HERE, and let’s see how I can help you grow your business and become a thought leader in your area of specialisation.

Table Of Contents:

  • Why Should You Care About Being a Thought Leader?
    • The Power of a Strong LinkedIn Presence
    • Benefits of Thought Leadership on LinkedIn
  • Building Your Thought Leadership Platform: A Step-by-Step Guide
    • Step 1: Find Your Niche
    • Step 2: Craft Your All-Star LinkedIn Profile
    • Step 3: Become a Content Machine (Consistently)
    • Step 4: Get Chatty: Engage With Your Audience
    • Step 5: Use the LinkedIn Algorithm to Your Advantage
  • FAQs
    • 1: How to use LinkedIn to become a thought leader?
    • 2: How to be recognized as a thought leader?
    • 3: What is thought leadership content on LinkedIn?
    • 4: How often should thought leaders post on LinkedIn?
  • Conclusion

Why Should You Care About Being a Thought Leader?

Imagine this; you have something valuable to say, and instead of just telling your dog, you have an audience of millions on LinkedIn eager to hear your perspective. It sounds great, right? That’s what thought leadership can do. In a competitive world, establishing thought leadership is more valuable than you think.

The Power of a Strong LinkedIn Presence

LinkedIn is a crucial personal branding tool — with over 760 million users, it’s where professionals like you connect and grow. But here’s where it gets interesting; content on the LinkedIn feed receives 9 billion impressions a week.

Think about that, 9 billion potential opportunities for your voice, ideas, and brand to be seen. That’s HUGE, especially if you want to become a thought leader on LinkedIn. You will also save time with social media platforms by focusing on a key platform.

Benefits of Thought Leadership on LinkedIn

Sure, having many followers and likes is cool, but the real magic happens when thought leadership translates into tangible benefits for you. Building trust with your LinkedIn audience through thought leadership can increase things like:

  • Brand awareness.
  • Credibility and authority.
  • Networking opportunities.
  • Career advancement.
  • Business opportunities.
  • Speaking engagements.

When people see you as a thought leader, they trust your opinions. They value your perspective, which opens doors, grows your business, and helps your career in the long run. People will even start adding your posts to their profiles’ “featured” section because they love your content.

Strong LinkedIn Presence

Building Your Thought Leadership Platform: A Step-by-Step Guide

Thought leadership on LinkedIn won’t happen overnight. Building a platform takes time, dedication, and a commitment to consistently showing up. You will also want to employ these crucial steps to establish thought leader status. This is where you transition from passive scroller to active contributor and start shaping how people see you professionally.

Step 1: Find Your Niche

Before you become a thought leader on LinkedIn, find your sweet spot;
What are you genuinely passionate about?
What are your areas of expertise?
Are you a whiz at content marketing, an SEO guru, or a sales ninja?

Find the intersection between your passions, expertise, and what your target audience cares about. That passion shines through when you’re genuinely excited about what you’re sharing. People pick up on authenticity and get invested in your words. That’s how you genuinely resonate and establish yourself as someone worth listening to in the crowded marketplace of ideas.

Step 2: Craft Your All-Star LinkedIn Profile

Your LinkedIn profile is your digital handshake. Think of it as your opportunity to make a stellar first impression. Please treat it with the attention it deserves. Ensure every element screams thought leadership. Here’s how you do that –

Your LinkedIn Headline

Ditch the generic job title and go for something catchy that highlights what you bring. My (Mary Henderson) LinkedIn Profile Headline is “Thought Leadership & Online Business Specialist | I help established Coaches, Consultants & Service Based Business Owners Productise, Digitise & Sell their Knowledge, Wisdom & Skills into a Profitable Business & Brand.” Notice how I organized it and placed my expertise. 

About Section

The About section on LinkedIn is your chance to elaborate on what makes you “YOU“. Don’t be shy; share your experiences and perspectives. Share what you’ve learned. Make it conversational. Talk about your work, sure, but also things you’re passionate about outside your 9-to-5 grind. These will help people get to know the real you.

Sprinkle in some personal anecdotes.
Are you an avid hiker?
Do you collect vintage vinyl records?
These little tidbits make you more relatable, showing you’re not just a LinkedIn robot but a well-rounded human being, and building those genuine connections matters. People do business with people they like. The About section is a great place to add any of your passions.

Visual Appeal Matters

Ensure your LinkedIn profile picture is professional, high-quality, and reflects your identity. The same goes for your header image.

For example, consider using a picture that aligns with your expertise.
Are you in marketing? Maybe use an image of a brainstorming session.
In tech? Think sleek, modern graphics.
Visual cues subconsciously reinforce your expertise to those visiting your profile.

Step 3: Become a Content Machine (Consistently)

Consistently posting content on LinkedIn is how you stay top-of-mind and establish your authority. It doesn’t need to be a full-blown novel every day. Focus on quality and deliver insights people want to devour. Your content strategy is important.

It can be as simple as a one-sentence LinkedIn status about a book recommendation related to your niche that helped you. If a status isn’t your thing, you could test publishing long-form blog-style articles on your profile directly like ForbesBooks did in their “How-To Create a LinkedIn Content Strategy in 8 Steps” guide on Forbes.

What Kinds of Content Perform Well?

I recommend a mix of long-form text posts that delve deep into a topic, shorter, engaging posts that pose questions or share quick wins and visually appealing content. And don’t forget to have some fun with it. Try these content ideas:

  • Industry insights: What are the current trends shaping your field?
  • Actionable tips and advice: Don’t just point out problems; offer practical solutions or strategies.
  • Data-driven opinions: Everyone loves a good statistic or graph to support a claim.
  • Inspirational stories: Sharing personal anecdotes of success or failure (and lessons learned) can resonate.

Step 4: Get Chatty: Engage With Your Audience.

This step separates those who talk the talk from those who walk the walk. It’s not enough to toss your content into the void; you’ve got to build real relationships. Become a part of the conversation. Respond thoughtfully when people comment on your posts (and they will trust me). Get personal. Ask engaging questions. Reply to other thought leader posts. Get into LinkedIn Groups within your industry and contribute actively. When you invest time in these conversations, you solidify your place in that niche.

The comments section on a well-performing LinkedIn post is where a ton of magic happens. This space is where deeper connections are forged, valuable conversations flourish, and trust is built. It’s prime real estate to reinforce your thought leadership status. You never want to waste time by not engaging.

Step 5: Use the LinkedIn Algorithm to Your Advantage

Knowing how the LinkedIn algorithm works is key to becoming a thought leader. Think of it like your friendly neighbor. It wants to connect users with relevant content they enjoy.
Here’s the insider scoop; LinkedIn loves high-quality, engaging content. This can lead to a 30% increase in engagement rates, according to Just Connecting’s
2024 Algorithm Insights report. How does one keep this cranky neighbor happy?

  • Nail Those First Few Hours: The algorithm prioritizes content that gains early traction. Focus on posting at optimal times. Weekdays during business hours generally see higher engagement. Test what works best for your audience.
  • Quality Trumps Quantity: The LinkedIn algorithm is not a fan of fluff. Engage in meaningful interactions in those comment sections, participate in LinkedIn Groups (the authentic way, remember.), and focus on consistently delivering content that makes your audience hit that “See more” button.
  • Utilize Rich Media: This includes images, videos, and carousels. It’s an excellent way to make your content pop, catch the algorithm’s eye, and stop the relentless scroll. The key? High-quality visuals and audio if you’re doing videos that hook people from the first frame.

The bottom line?
You become a thought leader when you consistently provide valuable insights over time. People need to be able to trust your opinion. I always say trust = time. Give yourself the time and the grace to experiment and find your voice, all while prioritizing real human connection. This isn’t just about algorithms or followers.

LinkedIn Lead Gen Simplified


01: How to use LinkedIn to become a thought leader?

You can post about your expertise and any relevant content. This could include articles you’ve written or videos. Consistency will pay off.

02: How to be recognized as a thought leader?

Be yourself, and don’t force the issue. Over time, by being consistent, you’ll develop trust. That is the key to any thought leadership.

03: What is thought leadership content on LinkedIn?

Any leadership content that adds value to your space. However, I caution you that you must have experience with those opinions. Never spout off about things you are learning, only things you KNOW.

04: How often should thought leaders post on LinkedIn?

I would suggest starting slow to allow yourself to get the content calendar dialed in. Remember, quality over quantity always wins.


The question isn’t just “How do I become a thought leader on LinkedIn?” – it’s about how you leverage your experiences to impact, educate, and inspire. Embrace the challenge, deliver value consistently, and be your authentic self. And watch as the magic of true thought leadership unfolds on LinkedIn.

I hope you enjoyed this article. Please feel free to share it.

Mary Henderson
Personal Branding and Online Business Specialist.

Mary Henderson
Mary HendersonPersonal Branding Specialist

About Mary Henderson

Mary is a Transformational Leader and an internationally recognised Personal Branding and Online Business Specialist.

Mary helps Industry Experts systemise, digitalise and commercialise their knowledge, wisdom and skills into a scalable and profitable online business and brand so they become an authority in their niche.

Mary has 22+ years of experience building 7 and 8 figure businesses and high-performance sales teams in the IT sector. She also has 15 years of experience delivering online solutions for large and small businesses. She has been featured in many publications and is regarded as a thought leader in the Digital sector.

Mary’s point of difference is that she fuses business strategy, technology and spirituality into her approach because she believes humans are multi-faceted and success starts on the inside. This approach results in profound transformation.

When you engage Mary, you access 40,000+ hours of knowledge, wisdom and experience in Personal Branding, client profiling, lead generation strategies, online course development, sales leadership, content strategy, digital acumen and personal development.

Mary embraces technology and social media in a big way, and her followers are growing daily.

Mary is a heart-centred, compassionate, tenacious entrepreneur who thrives on human transformation and witnessing people fulfil their dreams. Connect with Mary on LinkedIn and on Facebook.